Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Princess Gina or Evil Hope - That is the question....

I have decided to make a list of clues, leading me to believe that Gina is back, even though Kristian Alfonso herself said in an interview, that it isn't so.... Perhaps that is because she is not allowed to talk?


these are my thoughts on the subject:

Clue 1.

The fact that she refuses to introduce herself properly to Dr. Baker - even though he knows that she is a Salem PD detective... during the day at least....

Clue 2.


Hope (or is that Gina?): {crying} "I can't do this without you, please...I can't, not after..."

Baker (good and well confused): "Not after what?"

Hope: “…I had a partner before…{long pause} some one I loved very much. {another long pause} still love ‘em, and he’s gone and he’s never coming back… (voice breaks)…”

Gina talking about John?????

Clue 3.

Lol! That damn compact!

Very suspicious indeed....

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